Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Edit Edit Edit

I saw the article about that tech conference on, after a friend sent it to me. I didn't do a very good job researching it further. It was was an uninformed post. I've decided to take it down because if there's one thing the blogosphere doesn't need, it's more uninformed posts! Plus, just for personal writing reasons, I'd rather not leave up a post that's uninformed/researched.

Peace all.

Agent Ska

P.S. I'm in Prague and half of the streets end in 'ska'! It's awesome.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

workers Memorial Day Pittsburgh 2008


i got this e-mail from a friend of mine just now. i thought i'd post it here and tell you a little bit about her. she's in her late sixties and has raised a bunch o'kids
(yes, that what we call them) in a trailer while holding down jobs her whole life as her husband worked in the coal mines. she has a bunch o'grandkids and great-grand kids and they come in shifts on holidays and birthdays because there's not enough room.she's been thru breast cancer and more than her share of heartaches and hard times.(and she's a damn fine cook. just ask the kids)

and as she sent in this e-mail. she's a B.I.T.C.H.

i can only hope to someday be half as bitchy as she is!


When I stand up for
myself and my beliefs,
they call me a

When I stand up for
those I love,
they call me a

When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts
or do things my own way, they call me a


Being a bitch
means I won't
compromise what's
in my heart.
It means I live my life
MY way.
It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

When I refuse to
tolerate injustice and

speak against it, I am
defined as a

The same thing happens when I take time for
myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.
It means I have the
courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I 'should' be.
I am outspoken,
opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!

So try to stomp on me,
try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed.

And if that makes me a bitch ,
so be it.
I embrace the title and
am proud to bear it.
B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - Control of
H - Herself

B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman

B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle anything

Send this to 5 women to put a smile on their face: 'If you can't do something right, get a woman to do it..'

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Joseph Beth Bookstore and Women Shutting Up

This past Sunday, the Post-Gazette featured the story of Jan Beatty and Joseph-Beth Bookstore, a flagship shop over at the Southside Works. Beatty, a highly regarded Pittsburgh based poet, has recently released a new poetry collection "Red Sugar" which includes some sexually explicit poems. I haven't read the collection so I cannot clarify exactly what that means.

However, Joseph-Beth wanted to invite Beatty to give a reading at her store. With a few "caveats" such as the store selecting the poems to be read, turning off the sound system or even a simple book signing without a reading.

Joseph-Beth is afraid of offending little pitchers. Or, let's be honest, offending their credit card bearing parents. They aren't so afraid that it keeps them from booking David Sedaris, who is no pansy when it comes to ribald and raunch. Or porn-star Ron Jeremy.

But, after all, they are men. I mean that's what I'm seeing here ... a little anti-Vagina Monologues backlash in the guide of private censorship.

Let me be precise. I am well-aware that Joseph-Beth has the right to discriminate against whomever they please in terms of setting up book readings. They can invite the porn star, but tell the female poet that her words don't warrant a microphone or that she should shut up and sit quietly signing her books. That's their right.

But let us not here make the misstep of parsing censorship. This isn't about protecting children from naughty words and sex. This is about protecting grown adults from their own distorted ability to embrace sexuality as a healthy part of our lives. They don't want the grown ups to freak out when little Susie overhears the words labia or nubile or whatever else she might possibly say. The kids aren't going to pay attention, assuming their parents are doing a reasonably good job of keeping them occupied and focused on their own books.

Let us also not forget that Jan Beatty is a well-regarded poet who has probably given many readings. In spite of that, Joseph-Beth doesn't trust Beatty to make good decisions about what materials to read in a family friendly bookstore. They trusted a male porn star, but they aren't trusting a female academic with a litany of professional credits.

So it clearly isn't about sex. It is about women and sex. Or women's views on sex. Or women's experiences of sex. That's what need to be kept hushed up. That is what might offend. Women's sexuality might hurt Joseph-Beth's bottom line. Women as sexual objects in male oriented pornography, well that probably brought in some new customers, after all.

Kudos to Jan Beatty for sticking to her ovaries and refusing to bow in the face of censorship.

Thursday, April 24, 2008



Senator Casey is working to make birth control affordable again!

Dear sherry,

Senator Bob Casey, Jr. has joined the fight to fix skyrocketing birth control prices on college campuses!

As many of you know, a legislative oversight went into effect in 2007 preventing college health centers and safety net providers from puchasing low-cost birth control. As a result, birth control prices increased by as much 900% across the country!

Since last year, you have done your part to ask your members of Congress to REPRESENT YOU in this battle. After months of work, Senator Casey came out in full support as a co-sponsor of the bill to bring back affordable birth control!

Please join us in expressing your gratitude! Will you send an email to Senator Casey thanking him for his leadership on this issue? Click below or on "send this message" to send Senator Casey the email provided, which is available for editing.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Senator Bob Casey (if you live in Pennsylvania)

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Thank you for signing on to the Prevention Through Affordable Access bill!

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

Thank you for honoring your commitment to family planning and access to affordable birth control for the women in Pennsylvania!

The Prevention Through Affordable Access bill is exactly the remedy needed to bring down the skyrocketing prices of birth control on college campuses and at other safety net providers.

We appreciate your continued leadership on this important issue, and we expect Congress to act swiftly and accordingly to fix this problem affecting thousands of Pennsylvanians.


What's At Stake:

Since safety net providers and college health centers lost their ability to purchase low-cost drugs, some women's monthly birth control has increased by 900%!
Millions of women nationwide have felt the effect of this oversight and now have to choose between paying their bills, or buying their birth control.
The fight isn't over yet! We need Senator Specter's leadership on this issue too. Take a moment to call his Washington office at 202-224-4254 and ask for his support of the Prevention Through Affordable Access bill (S. 2347 is the bill number)!
There may be movement on this bill be the END OF APRIL - don't delay, please call Senator Specter!
For other ways to get involved, email

Campaign Expiration Date:
May 14, 2008

( i like casey. he's not flashy but he works hard. i don't always agree with his stand but this i am for in a big way. let him know if you are as well. thanks!)

That's a mother daughter team!

This picture really got me. It's a new day when the people on a presidential stage are a mother daughter team. Putting aside Hillary's public policy, this is a really awesome picture. Really awesome.


Agent Ska

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Agent Ska Checks In

The excitement is mounting, I'm sure. I've been obsessively checking blogposts and downloading vodcasts all day.

I have been informed or found out the following information throughout the day:

1. There is a sign outside of Luke's polling place saying, "No Photography Inside the Polling Place".

Here is the content of an e-mail I received:

"So at the Mayor's polling place on the Northside there is a sign that says "no photography inside the polling place." A number of folks had used video and still photography last year to document problems in polling places. I just called 1-866-Our-Vote to find out if this is legal and the answer was that there is no provision in state law protecting the right to take photographs, and though it is not explicitly forbidden either, its up to the election judge to set the rules. So it appears they can do this and I am betting its in response to our efforts last year. He suggested that next year we contact the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights to arrange something in advance. Next year the Mayor's race again so it will likely be rather contentious and the machine probably be in full force. Folks may want to think about this...."

2. According to a commenter on an old post I wrote about Dan Deasy, Ryan and his friends got drunk one night and stole all of Dan Deasy's signs on one particular street. The commenter wrote in all caps locks, included were spelling and grammatical mistakes. A spokesperson if ever there were one. Link here.

"john said...


3. Obama's Spicy Chili recipe is winning the CNN poll for "Presidential Recipe that you would most want to try". Link Here. (Scroll down to "Quick Vote").

4. The Obama camp is alleging voting machine problems in Philly. (Link).

"According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, several machines were malfunctioning in the city, leading one local candidates campaign to allege "dirty tricks" were the cause."

5. Italy wants Barack Obama to win.

6. My CNN Vodcasts are not downloading. Help.

7. Some of you may remember Schultz- the online DeSantis organizer extroadinaire. He now has a youtube channel with footage of various events. Check it out here.

Go Vote! Yay!

I'll have a breakfast party here. Complete with extra jelly and hot chocolate.


Agent Ska

P.S. Agent Ska has a date with an international bodyguard tomorrow night. I'm not joking...and you thought that "Secret Agent" name was a joke. Think again, friends.  I just thought I would share that one.



What are you doing for lunch today?

Let's make some change.

The Women & Girls Foundation invites you to join us today thru
Thursday, (April 24th), in Market Square, from noon to 1. We will be
raising awareness about the need to wipe out the wage gap once & for all!

Yes, the wage gap still exists across this country and, surprise, surprise, it's wider in Western
PA. Grab your lunch buckets & join us - we'll be the ones holding the Will Work for Equality signs.

AND, on Friday, April 25th, from noon to one in Market Square, we are holding the second annual EQUAL PAY RALLY. Speakers from government, education, labor, business and the nonprofit sectors will talk with you about what we can all do to eliminate the wage gap.

For the record, ladies, most of us earn 69 cents for every dollar a man makes in W PA...

Oddly enough, my neighborhood dollar store owner doesn't say, howsabout a 31 cent discount on your purchase? Nor does my grocer, auto mechanic or credit card company.

Monday, April 21, 2008

no matter your choice, please VOTE.

the stakes are high.


Maya Angelou on Hillary

I just learned of this yesterday.
The line about living without sanctimonious piety sounds mighty refreshing.

State Package for Hillary Clinton

You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may tread me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.

This is not the first time you have seen Hillary Clinton seemingly at her wits' end, but she has always risen, always risen, don't forget she has always risen, much to the dismay of her adversaries and the delight of her friends.

Hillary Clinton will not give up on you and all she asks of you is that you do not give up on her.
There is a world of difference between being a woman and being an old female. If you're born a girl, grow up, and live long enough, you can become an old female. But to become a woman is a serious matter. A woman takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies. Hillary Clinton is a woman. She has been there and done that and has still risen. She is in this race for the long haul. She intends to make a difference in our country. Hillary Clinton intends to help our country to be what it can become.

She declares she wants to see more smiles in the family, more courtesies between men and women, more honesty in the marketplace. She is the prayer of every woman and man who longs for fair play, healthy families, good schools, and a balanced economy.

She means to rise.

Don't give up on Hillary. In fact, if you help her to rise, you will rise with her and help her make this country the wonderful, wonderful place where every man and every woman can live freely without sanctimonious piety and without crippling fear.

Rise, Hillary.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm voting for Hillary

(partially crossposted from Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. For the juicy parts, click here.)

Today, I made up my mind that I am supporting and voting for Hillary Clinton. I'm sure no one is surprised. I've made a good faith effort to get excited about Barack Obama. I wanted to be a believer. But it just didn't happen. The preacher in him turns me off.

Here's what it comes down to for me. On "the issues," they are pretty close. By that I mean, their stances on ENDA, DADT, civil unions, marriage, etc. On paper, they "appear" very similar.
In action, they are nothing alike. Barack Obama has refused to interview with local gay media anywhere. Period. He gave one interview to the national gay magazine, The Advocate. How can one national interview, late in the primary season, build a relationship with the gay community? He made a speech imploring the African-American religious community to embrace gay civil rights. This after he brought notorious "ex-gay" Donnie McClurkin on board his swing through the south gospel tour or whatever it was called. He clearly has no problem affiliating with a movement that denounces homosexuality as something to be cured, a stance that taps right into the self-loathing so rampant among closeted minorities and youth. He talks like a preacher and walks like a well, like many preachers who disparage gay people.

Hillary Clinton marches in Pride parades. Her daughter visits gay bars. She worked to stop the national "marriage protection" amendment. She lifts up the gay people in her life, particularly those who touched her family personally. Hillary grants interviews to local gay media. She reaches out with intent to build relationships with our community. She has a LGBT steering committee in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

This is not about one issue. My life is not a single issue. When our next President is working on health care, economic issues, environmental issues and so forth, I want her to be cognizant of all citizens and the impact her decisions will have on our families, including my little lesbian family.
If Obama ignores us as a constituency when he's fighting for the nomination, why should we believe he would care about us if he's nominated and elected?

This primary race has come down to the fact that one of them has to go. His name is John McCain and I believe that Hillary Clinton is the one to do it.

Danica Patrick Makes History

MOTEGI, Japan (AP) -- Danica Patrick became the first female winner in IndyCar history Sunday, taking the Indy Japan 300 after the top contenders were forced to pit for fuel in the final laps.

Patrick finished 5.8594 seconds ahead of pole-sitter Helio Castroneves on the 1.5-mile Twin Ring Motegi oval after leader Scott Dixon pitted with five laps left and Dan Wheldon and Tony Kanaan came in a lap later.

"It's a long time coming. Finally," Patrick said. "It was a fuel strategy race, but my team called it perfectly for me. I knew I was on the same strategy as Helio, and when I passed him for the lead, I couldn't believe it. This is fabulous."

The 26-year-old Patrick won in her 50th career IndyCar start, taking the lead from Castroneves on the 198th lap in the 200-lap race.

Rest of the article here.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Primary Pittsburgh

Last night, well actually, it was this morning, but anyways, I had a dream. I had a dream about the Pgh Bloggers. No joke. And Lindsay was presenting her new idea to a bunch of odd ball, snickering bloggers.

I seemed to be in the lead for interrupting and making jokes (not really surprising). The guys from Carbolic were there and they kicked off the joke making, followed by the madman, and various others- I believe Maria was looking kinda confused and grumpy, but at the same time had a look on her face conveying, "Okay, fine what is this that is going on?".

Suddenly, Jim Motznik showed up, which really delayed this entire process by a good 15 minutes while we all scattered to discuss various things about Jim and to interrogate him. There was a lot of standing around of the bloggers in closed circles while looking at Jim and talking. I'm not sure why he was there, but he was.

So we were sat down in the basement of a local church. I mean, it's Pittsburgh, where else did you think it would be? And we were told to listen. Which I really struggled with, perhaps because I find it hard to take many things very seriously.

Lindsay began to tell us about this new project, Primary Pittsburgh, where people write in about things in Pittsburgh that are very edgy, hip, and non-rust belty. Perhaps cool tech things like robotics or dorkbot (or maybe not that). You get it. Cool stuff to make us look cool.

I interrupted to ask whether I should write a book about Pittsburgh Punk, past and present?

This is serious, folks. Please listen.

Lindsay raised her eyebrow and began to speak again. It was followed by a series of jokes behind hands about other snarky comments.

Anyways, so here's the idea behind Primary Pittsburgh:

With the presidential primary just a week away, Pittsburgh has received a tremendous amount of national press and blog coverage, both good and bad.

We are partnering with the Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce in a cross-blogging experiment to highlight and tell some of the stories that we know that make Pittsburgh great. This website is a collection of blog posts that tell their own primary story about Pittsburgh. Our goal is to collect your stories about Pittsburgh and share across many local blogs. We hope you will reference other bloggers posts about the project and add your comments.

This is an opportunity to connect blogs from all genre’s around an event - the Presidential Primary.

Who can share their stories?

You can. Have a blog? Post your Pittsburgh story and we will share it here. Don’t have a blog? Then send us your story and we will publish it for you.

How do I participate?

Write up your story on your blog and share it with us by leaving a comment here. Don’t have a blog? not a problem - Just leave your story right here in the comments and we will publish it here.


So somewhere in my dream I saw the words, "Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce". I found this very funny, I'm not sure why, but I did. The idea of a group with the name, "Chamber" in its name combined with "Pittsburgh bloggers" struck me as funny.

[In the dream it was going to be made into a book, unlike in real life. In the book it was more of a historic look at stores past and present. I interrupted to ask why we were publishing a book about racism and segregation in East Liberty? I was told to shhhhh, Agent Ska, shhhhh. Sit back down.]

So people. Go write a story and cross post it so that Pittsburgh looks like it's cool 'n' stuff.


Agent Ska

Friday, April 18, 2008

This is too good not to post.

Received this from the Run, Baby, Run List Serve.

Read, in it's entirety...ironic outcome.
1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines.
In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. (They provide medical assistance to the Marines as well as to Navy personnel.)
The man did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility, Bethesda NavalHospital, as a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery.
For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation.
What is even more remarkable is that this man entered the Marines and Navy not many years after the two branches began to become integrated.
While this young man was serving six years on active duty, Vice President Dick Cheney, who was born the same year as the Marine/ sailor, received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate student and one for being a prospective father.
Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then avoided going on active duty through family connections.
Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something or those who merely talk about their love of the country?
After leaving the service of his country, the young African-American finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of a large church in one ofAmerica's biggest cities.
This man is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ. The controversial pastor who the Clintons hoped would ruin Obama's chances of winning the Democratic Nomination for the Presidency.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's that time of year again...

When election protection needs volunteers! Oh the excitement! Oh the drama! The intrigue of it all!

"We are still recruiting Election Protection volunteers for the Pennsylvania primary this coming Tuesday. And we still need your help.

We'll be monitoring the polls and deploying volunteers in key spots in Allegheny County -- in communities where we have seen disenfranchisement in the past.Can you join us on Tuesday for all, or even just part of the day?

Please see the alert below for more information ... or if you're ready to sign up, go to this link to register and check out the volunteer training schedule.

Thanks! Together we can make sure Keystone State voters' rights are protected on Election Day.-- Celeste Taylor, Pennsylvania Coordinator

Dear Voting Rights Activist,
Tuesday, April 22 is primary election day in the Keystone State! Across the country, voter turnout has skyrocketed during this primary election season and we definitely expect the same for Pennsylvania. People For the American Way Foundation will be on the ground in Allegheny County with our nonpartisan Election Protection program protecting Pennsylvanians' right to vote, and have that vote counted.

We need your help!

Please sign up to volunteer with Election Protection as a poll monitor on April 22.
We encourage lawyers and non-lawyers alike, as well as college students and even high school students to sign up. Election Protection is a program that depends on the help of committed volunteers. We need volunteers to go to the precincts and make sure that voters are able to vote without any problems – and if there are problems, to be our eyes and ears at the polls.
Can you spare some time on Election Day to help protect the vote?
You can sign up to volunteer during the morning, afternoon, or evening shifts -- or, even better, you can volunteer all day.All Election Protection volunteers must attend a training session. Several training sessions are available in Pittsburgh. When you sign up, you will get to choose your training date and time.

Our work will be focused in Allegheny County communities that have traditionally had many disenfranchised voters. So far in this election cycle, throughout the country, thousands of eligible voters have been disenfranchised by receiving the wrong kind of ballot, voting machines malfunctioning, names not appearing on the rolls although they were registered or falsely being told that they had the wrong kind of ID. Don't let it happen in Pennsylvania!We hope you can join us as we make sure that voters in Allegheny County can cast their ballots on Tuesday."
-- The Election Protection Team, People For the American Way Foundation.

-Agent Ska-

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

15 Minutes Gallery

"The Pittsburgh Technology Council Arts + Technology Initiative is proud to announce the 15 Minutes Gallery – a forum to showcase the works of regional artists in a contemporary setting. Through this progressive initiative, the Council recognizes the synergy that exists between the technological and the artistic communities in Pittsburgh and the impact each component will have on the region’s future. To strengthen the link between these dynamic and innovative communities, the Council is partnering with the Sirani Gallery in Squirrel Hill.

Founded on the notion that art and technology share the elemental characteristic of innovation, the 15 Minutes Gallery seeks to unite both veins of creative prowess in celebration of the regional dynamic. The Gallery, located in the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s atrium and conference areas, provides a unique opportunity for local artists to reach key figures of Pittsburgh’s business community."

Read the Rest Here.

Agent Ska

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pittsburgh Women Making Change Week: April 18-25

Pittsburgh Women Making Change Week: April 18-25

The week includes a dynamic symposium on women in the arts, street demonstrations and culminates in Pittsburgh’s second annual Equal Pay Rally.

  • “Arts, Activism, Equity” symposium, featuring live performances, workshops and panel discussions kicks off the activities:

Date: Friday, April 18 & Saturday, April 19

Location: New Hazlett Theater

Times & fees vary, for information contact: or 412-320-4610, ext. 17

  • Street Demonstrations, volunteers will spread awareness of the wage gap in SW PA by lining Grant Street, PPG Place and Market Square, dressed in professional attire & holding cardboard “Will Work for Equality” signs. They’ll pass out flyers and stickers highlighting our region’s BIG wage gap, (in SW PA, women earn 69 cents for every $1 a man makes.) Demonstrators will also be “making change” by collecting 31 cents from passerby to make up for the wage gap.

Date: April 21 - 24

Time: 11:30-1pm each day

  • Equal Pay Rally, representatives from diverse sectors will speak on how the gender gap impacts our lives & ways that we all can make change.

Date: Friday, April 25 at noon, Women Making Change Week will culminate with the second annual Equal Pay Rally in Market Square.

To volunteer for the street demonstrations or for Equal Pay Rally info, contact Yaa Arhin at the Women & Girls Fdtn.: 412-434-4883.

John Fetterman Speaks Out

I'm on the Obama and Clinton email lists. I was also on John Edwards before he pulled out.

I can't say that I open them very often. After awhile, I got tired of them.

However, today, Obama's people sent out an email with John Fetterman's name on it.

I opened the e-mail.

I think John Fetterman is awesome. Awesome awesome.

I feel a little more inclined to vote for Obama now.

Oh, indecision indecision.

John Fetterman may be one of the few politicians whose opinion matters to me. Maybe the only one.

Actually, after giving this last statement some thought I came up with two others I trust: Heather Arnet and Georgia Berner.

-Agent Ska-

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I think this describes it.

I've been asking Obama supporters why they are supporting him, but also, when they first decided that they wanted to support him. I like to look at graffiti blogs and I came across this picture. I think it sums up many an Obama supporter's feelings. I found it on The Pacific Northwest Graffiti blog.

Agent Ska

Friday, April 11, 2008

PG poll on Marriage Protection Amendment

Through 4/15/2008, you can vote in the Post Gazette poll on the marriage amendment.

As of tonight, 1,820 responses ..

A. Yes - 627 (34%)

B. No - 1136 (62%)

C. Don't care - 57 (3%)

Last chance to vote!

From Shakesville:

Today is your last chance to vote for your favorite female blogger of the Top 10 nominees at Women's Voices Women's Votes' contest in recognition of Women's History Month. It's a nice way to honor women bloggers generally, so I hope you'll vote for someone there, even if it's not me.

And, once again, many thanks to the people who nominated me in the first place and to those who have voted for me. It makes me feel like maybe I'm doing all right by the tradition of which I consider myself a part—and that is no small thing to me. Thank you.

I say vote for Melissa McEwan of Shakesville (but I wish I could vote for Digby too).

Can you digg it?

Someone just sent this link to me. Someone submitted one of the Lamar Advertising stories to If you're on, you should totally go "digg it".


Hey there, gang. Lindsay Baker is a wonderful young woman I work with who organized this event, and it would be swell if you could make it or pass the info along to anyone else interested.

“Rock F.O.R. the Arts: Benefit Concert” to Aid Father Ryan Arts Center Renovation

Pittsburgh, April 9, 2008 -- “Rock F.O.R. the Arts” is an upcoming concert featuring a line-up of local indie-rock bands to benefit the Father Ryan Arts Center In McKees Rocks. The all-ages show will be held at the Diesel Club Lounge, 1601 East Carson Street in the heart of the South Side, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Headlining the 8:00 p.m. show are School of Athens, Donora, Triggers and Meeting of Important People. Emceeing will be local comedian Gab Bonesso.

Sto-Rox High School graduate Lindsay Baker orchestrated the charity event for the McKees Rocks venue, named after one of the town’s most ardent supporter of the arts: Father Regis Ryan. “McKees Rocks needs a home for its growing arts programs, and I am so happy I can help make that happen,” says Baker.

Tickets are $10 in advance of $12 at the door. There will be do or prizes and a silent auction prior to musical entertainment. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Fore more information or to purchase tickets, contact The Exchange at 412-788-7001 or Pat Moran, Father Ryan Arts Center Director at 412-771-3052.

Focus on Renewal (F.O.R.), a nonprofit health and human service agency in McKees Rocks, has a 40-year history of empowering neighbors through services and integrated community participation. F.O.R. is now pioneering a new arts-based initiative with the Father Ryan Arts Center, designed to strengthen its community through artistic and cultural activities. All proceeds will benefit the Father Ryan Arts Center renovation effort in McKees Rocks, which is scheduled to open fall 2008.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Huh. I'm not sure what to make of this...

I was looking at our blog's traffic tonight. Sometimes there are keywords that appear consistently. Usually it's about a popular story. However, sometimes phrases make me start to wonder... 

Right now this phrase keeps appearing: 

Sell My Daughter 

I wasn't quite sure whether I should laugh or be sad about this one. 

Agent Ska

Equal Treatment in Corruption

Why has the woman (Alecia Sirk) resigned, but the man (Pat Ford) taken a paid leave of absence? Post-Gazette

Clearly, Pat Ford has more influence and power than his wife, Ms. Sirk. Doesn't it seem he would also be culpable of a greater violation of the public trust? I mean Ms. Sirk did make some really stupid missteps in her role as Luke's spokeswoman, but still ...

Didn't Dennis Regan take an unpaid leave of absence?

Have any of you ever tried...

Bungee Jumping or Skydiving?

Please let me know. I am considering doing both.


Agent Ska

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Do you have one of these? (Or something resembling it)

Are you free on Thursday?

At 2:00 PM?

If so, go to the Allegheny County Courthouse:

Then go to the Gold Room:

And Camcord This:

"The public hearing in Pittsburgh on Thursday, April about Senate Bill 1250. Senate Bill 1250 is a Constitutional Amendment which would ban gay marriage AND civil unions in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, April 10th there will be a public hearing in Pittsburgh to discuss the impact this amendment would have on the Commonwealth. In past hearings, supporters of this discriminatory bill have been extremely active and vocal. It is crucial that we outnumber them this time around. We urgently need people to come to the hearing so senators know that people from the Pittsburgh area don't want our General Assembly to legislate hate."

Tell them to:

Then, upload it to:

Why? To make the Vote Visible:

So that everyone knows what to say when they hear:

-Agent Ska-

Youtube + C-Span Team Up


"As each primary has come and gone this year — Iowa, New Hampshire, Super Tuesday — YouTube has encouraged users to cover them using video. But politics editor Steve Grove, who heads up the YouChoose ‘08 section of the site, never thought we’d be going this late into the year. Yet here we are.

So the YouChoosers are upping the ante a bit. For Pennsylvania, they’re still asking voters to upload videos focusing on the primary, but they’re also partnering with the illustrious C-SPAN to promote the videos.

They’re asking YouTubers to upload video responses to the question, “What is the most important issue to you in this election?” C-SPAN will apparently air the most popular questions in the week before the PA primary."-

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pgh Public Hearing on SB 1250

Courtesy of Steel City Stonewall Democrats comes this news.

Value All Families - Keep Discrimination out of Our State

Please come to the public hearing in Pittsburgh on Thursday, April 10th and
tell Pennsylvania Senate Members to vote NO on Senate Bill 1250.

Senate Bill 1250 is a Constitutional Amendment which would ban gay
marriage AND civil unions in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, April 10th
there will be a public hearing in Pittsburgh to discuss the impact this
amendment would have on the Commonwealth. In past hearings, supporters of
this discriminatory bill have been extremely active and vocal. It is
crucial that we outnumber them this time around. We urgently need
people to come to the hearing so senators know that people from
the Pittsburgh area don't want our General Assembly to legislate

Date and time: Thursday, April 10th, 2:00 pm
Location: Allegheny County
Courthouse, Gold Room 437 Grant St., Downtown Pittsburgh Corner of Grant and

*** We will have lapel stickers at the hearing. Please be sure to
pick one up to show your opposition to the marriage amendment***
Call (412)
681-7736 for more information


Your faithful correspondent, alas, cannot attend as I have work commitments that cannot be missed. So I hope you will attend and speak your mind.

It is frustrating to only receive four days notice (and some change, I guess) for a middle of the day hearing. 3/4 of my work commitments are flexible enough to accomodate these sort of things, but not all of them. I guess that is how things go. It is particularly frustrating, though, in this case as lower income LGBT (and straight) families will be hit very hard by this type of discrimination and are least likely to be able to just drop everything at work for a 2 PM meeting.
Please let me know if you plan to attend.

*Sigh* The Other Onorato

I saw this lying on the ground yesterday and I had to pick it up...*Sigh* I wish Alessandro Onorato would talk to me about city-county mergers...

Your website now has archived Executive Actions dating back to 2000? That's Fascinating.

Canadian Geese? Huh... Please, go on... Really.

In the words of Obama Girl:

Cuz I got a crush on Onorato
I can not wait till 2008
Baby you're the best candidate...

You're into border security
let's break this border between you and me...

I can't leave you alone--
Cuz I gotta crush on Onorato (?!?!)

'O' to the 'N' to the 'O' to the 'R' to the 'A' to the 'T' to the 'O'...

-Agent Ska-

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pitt's Women's Studies Events

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm CLG24

Discussant: Frayda Cohen (Women’s Studies)

From: Women's Studies Program []
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:04 AM
To: A&S Administrators; Affiliated Faculty; Friends of Women's Studies; Graduate Students; Steering Committee; Undergraduates; Visiting Scholars
Subject: Women's Studies Program Film Series Fliers: April 10, Barbie Nation

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm CLG24

Discussant: Frayda Cohen (Women’s Studies)

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm, University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning Ground 24

For more information: email

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm CLG24

Discussant: Frayda Cohen (Women’s Studies)

From: Women's Studies Program []
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:04 AM
To: A&S Administrators; Affiliated Faculty; Friends of Women's Studies; Graduate Students; Steering Committee; Undergraduates; Visiting Scholars
Subject: Women's Studies Program Film Series Fliers: April 10, Barbie Nation

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm CLG24

Discussant: Frayda Cohen (Women’s Studies)

Women’s Studies Film Series

Barbie Nation

The Barbie doll is not just the world's most popular toy, she's a Rorschach test, revealing attitudes about sexuality, body image, gender roles and creativity. Journeying from Barbie conventions to anti-Barbie demonstrations, from girls' play dates to Barbie web pages, Barbie Nation plumbs the cult of the Barbie doll, telling the Barbie stories of men, women and children. At the center of Barbie Nation is the story of Barbie creator and Mattel co-founder Ruth Handler. Handler's ironic rise and fall brings Barbie Nation to a climax that is about the creation of femininity and the marketing -- and subversion -- of femininity's icon.

Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm, University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning Ground 24

For more information: email