Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Immortal Book Tour
The Immortal Book Tour: "A month ago, I’d have thought the idea of organizing my own book ..."
and her direct website...
Monday, February 22, 2010
On the Spot: Cookie Table & Cosmos for a Good Cause!

(Some of the actual cookies you can enjoy tonight.)
Just a reminder that the Inaugural On The Spot Happy Hour Fundraiser is this evening.
On the Spot is a new campaign to raise money to provide menstrual products to girls in local public schools. Many girls actually have to skip school because they don't have access to these products!
Event Details:
Inaugural On The Spot Happy Hour Fundraiser
Monday, February 22
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Over the Bar Cafe
2518 East Carson St.
Pittsburgh PA 15203
DJ Mary Mack, Kellee Maize, Silent Auction, Drink Specials ($2 Yeunglings, $3 drafts, and $4 On the Spot Cosmo), and Cookie Table
$10 or $5 and a box of supplies (pads preferred)
More info here.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
'Family Guy' Actress Responds To Sarah Palin's Criticism
great post!!!!!
i like the fact that the actress has downs. i think her attitude is inspiring and i love the "loaf of bread" comment because i have thought much the same and felt many differing emotions over the way that child is "marketed."
Women of Color HERStory Month 2010 Community Events
New Voices Pittsburgh 2010 / Womb-Words, Thirsting by Lenelle Moïse
Thursday, February 25, 7PM
@ Kelly-Strayhorn Theater, 5941 Penn Avenue, East Liberty
Tickets: $10 - Advance, $15 - Door, $50 VIP www.brownpapertickets.com/event/99370
Call or email for low-income, student, group rates and VIP.
History in the Making: Honoring Our Young African-American Leaders of Today
Friday, February 4-26, 8AM-5PM
Presented by the City of Pittsburgh
@ City County Building, 414 Grant Street, Lobby
A Tribute to Phyllis Hyman
Friday, February 19 & Saturday, February 20, 8PM
Presented by August Wilson Center for African American Culture
@ August Wilson Center for African American Culture, 980 Liberty Avenue, Downtown
Tickets: $28-33, available online
412.258.2700 www.augustwilsoncenter.org/events/index.php
Good Hair Film Screening
Saturday, February 20, 1-5PM
Presented by Sankofa Community Empowerment
@ Carnegie Library - Homewood, 7101 Hamilton Avenue, Homewood
Why Us? Left Behind and Dying Film Screening
Saturday, February 20, 7:30PM
Presented by Diversity Films
@ August Wilson Center for African American Culture, 980 Liberty Avenue, Downtown
Microenterprise Symposium
Saturday, February 20, 8AM-4PM
Presented by YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh
@ Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Oakland
Registration: $40
412.255.6743 awilliams@ywcapgh.org http://micro2millions.eventbrite.com/
Asia Unreeled / South Korea Unreeled: Good for Her
Sunday, February 21, 2PM
Presented by Asian Studies Center, Confucius Institute, Silk Screen & Winchester Thurston School
@ Winchester Thurston School, Hilda Willis Room, Upper School Building
555 Morewood Avenue, Shadyside
Tickets: $5-$28, available online and at the door
412.578.3731 www.winchesterthurston.org/asiaunreeled
EVE (Enlightened Voices for the Environment) Circle
Tuesday, February 23, 5:30PM
Presented by Center for Victims of Violence and Crime
@ First United Presbyterian Church, 5401 Centre Avenue, Shadyside
To sign-up and for more details, email lbhotep@cvvc.org
412.482.3240 www.cvvc.org/eveproject.php
Women of Color HERStory Month 2010 Planning Committee
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Joann Evansgardner Died on 2/16
I didn't see Joann that much when I moved back to Pittsburgh in '93, but I ran into her from time to time, still a firebrand. I ran into them at the Feminist Expo in DC back in '96.
She died in hospice care just last night. Gerry died last year. I will never forget either of them.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Empowerment thru Positive Affirmations
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the imagery is a necessity as it allows all senses to be encountered. Proclaiming and vocalizing your personal statement out-loud 'seals your agreement' with the Universe. Disciplined practitioners sense a significant change within seventy-two hours of repeating the oath. Inexperienced users must understand that it can take a little longer until you find your own rhythm to encounter the magic of will and assertion.
Quiet: Sit for a few minutes alone, with eyes closed and a goal to relax. Calm all thoughts and emotions until you are aware of the quietness that surrounds you. With slow and deep breaths, feel yourself float into this calm energy, feeling your body and mind also adjusting to this quietness. All the noise disappears and you feel at peace. Pay attention to the soundless spirit, as you cleanse and exist with the silence.
Visualize: Today's card image will assist you in this meditativepractice and affirmation. Exit your world, and connect with The Empress. Relax, with your eyes closed, and imagine yourself sitting on the ground, the green grass as a blanket, as you rest, leaning against a solid tree. The warm air feels good on your skin, as it gently blows through your hair. Feel settled and grounded where you are seated. Begin stating 'one by one', each of your many 'titles' and/or weekly creations that you are responsible for. As an example, I could begin with, "I mediate on the lawn... I am a mother... I create home-made healthy dinners... I am a wife... I share my sunshine with others... I am a business owner... I am an artist... I make my bathroom sparkle..." and so on. Go with the flow of your daily list, acknowledge whatever might come to your mind as you allow your thoughts to drift. Take your time with this (at least a full minute) stating many of your gifts. Yes, no matter how silly or disgusting, they are gifts that you perform either for another, or for yourself. Mothering, nurturing, and productive. We are not our 'title' or 'job'. We are simply a whole, of loving dedication to our present be-ing. Appreciate what you 'bring to the table'.
As you search for the next 'title/duty' to announce, inhale slow and deeply. Acknowledge your strength and importance to each 'title' or 'job' that you invest yourself into. (Yes, someone has to 'stand-up' and be the one to clean the puke from baby's t-shirt. Someone has to 'take charge' and plunge the toilet). Everyone may want a popular and fun job, but dirty jobs are what can build great character. Otherwise, life can become 'backed up' from that which is left unresolved and not taken care of.) All that we invest, has significance. Know your eminence. Continue with your honorable 'titles'. Claim the determination of your feminine spirit.
Now slowly exhale, detaching yourself from that 'title/job', before moving on to the next. Our flexibility and commitment allows us to do all that we do. With our participation into the day (no matter how important or lame it might be) - we are enforcing our availability to others, as well as to ourselves. Inside, sits a great force. You've earned it. Now experience it.
Female 'muscle' exists of imagination, versatility, and graceful influence. It is not loud and boastful like that of the male ego. It is silent, composed, and invisible to the eye. Embrace your Inner Goddess.
The Affirm: While being in-touch with yourself, announce your trusted affirmation:
I am one with the Universe.
The power of imagination guides me.
I embrace my Inner Goddess.
I provide great value with my daily investments.
Now go get your mantra on!
Image The Empress ©1991 Robin Wood, Used with Permission
Tarot Affirmations ©1998-2010 CD INK LLC and www.Starcana.com
All rights reserved. Entertainment Only 18+
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Limbaugh to GOP: ‘Be proud of being the party of no’ | Raw Story
of course he'd say that- he has everything he needs-job-healthcare-yaddayadda...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Crooks and Liars
i would HOPE that after trying to be bipartisan for an ENTIRE YEAR NOW-that the prez would just give up on it and do what he planned.
we all, ALL OF US, don't have the luxury of time anymore.
yeah i just had to post this. i have a family member waiting for an o.k. from their insurance company BEFORE they can get the mass in their lung biopsied!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
"Women in Media: Working Title"
What's interesting is that this is not a celebration of women who give back to the community -- it is an acknowledgement of women who do "kick ass work" within an industry and contribute to the community vis a vis their work. It is the ultimate way to highlight the ways in which gender equity is a critical economic development tool --- the more "kick ass work" women are doing, the better the economy, right?
WQED COO Deb Acklin is chairing this year's event and has asked the committee to consider incorporating smaller year round events. Four members of The Society were in attendance and our ears perked up. My brain has been on hyperdrive considering all the possibilities.
I won't lie. I was excited to meet Sally Wiggen in person (she didn't make it). It was part of the allure and I was even more thrilled that Patrice King-Brown is participating. What I didn't expect was to meet a woman from the PG "behind the scenes" world who was able to take the discussion of needing a female blogger at the PG and *do* something with it. A light bulb went off for me ... the process of participating in this planning committee will create the connections necessary to forge ties between mainstream media and social media.
This is just my take on things. We are discussing blogging the entire project so you may see something new popping up soon. I'm sure we'll discuss here and I'm even more sure you'll be pleased with the ideas being tossed around.
The event is set for November and will honor 10-20 women in media. No subcategories and lots of outside the box thinking.
Stay tuned. Only on The Society ...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Obsessive-Compulsive Gene in Dogs Could Help Explain Human Disorders - AOL News
me- i KNOW max is a few sandwiches shy of a picnic!