The compassion and kindness that we may normally share with others begins to flatline on Monday May 31 as Neptune in Aquarius begins her retrograde journey until November. As Neptune puts her motion into reverse, so does the unconditional love and understanding that is attached to it. The care and sympathy that we share with others is now preserved for our own self-healing. We have five months to detach from what we have been yearning for, and transform that energy into self-love - by remembering and releasing that which has not comforted our hearts. We are not fooled so easily by the illusions that romantic relationships or professional partnerships can deliver. We internalize and protect our heart, to help us reconnect with our own source of imagination, faith, and dreams. Creative Neptunian pursuits that we may find ourselves diving into can include wellness, music, yoga, art, and meditation - to reach nirvana. On the flip side, some may choose to escape reality as a way to find heaven in areas of alcohol, sex, drugs, food, and other areas to avoid a healthy change in order to find joy. We are reaching deep within our souls to find our own aspirations, vision, and truth. It's time to listen to listen to the music that our heart wants to sing. Inspire yourself, to create the world that you are looking for. The Capricorn Moon sets the right mood to stabilize our emotions so that we can take of what matters most - our family, reputation, and work. Enjoy your Memorial Day.
Moon enters Aquarius on Tuesday June 1, encouraging us to put our sensitivities on the side and to do the right thing. We're inspirational, full of hope, and handle life intellectually. A Moon/Sun trine adds opportunity... for the complete article, read more >>
or grab your June 2010 Tarotscope for your sun sign!
Have an awesome week!