Sunday, September 23, 2012


The Society has been on a semi-hiatus for several months. With the resurging interest in blogging via the  Facebook blogging group and #BlogMob, it seems like a great time to recommit to sharing interesting content here. A few invitations for you:

  1. Autopublish your posts to this site. Either the full post or a teaser to invite people to click over and enjoy the full post at your blog is fine.
  2. Post a weekly or biweekly update - links to your latest posts, etc.
  3. Revisit your blog. We aren't going to remove anyone until Blogger tells us our list of cobloggers are full. Maybe now is the time to dust off the keyboard and update your blog?
  4. Join us! Email pghwomen at gmail with your name, blog URL and interest in blogging. You can post original content or share your blog posts. 
  5. Suggest other bloggers. We can have up to 100 bloggers contributing to this site. The requirements are simple - you blog and you are a woman. Your blog can also have male contributors. There's no restriction on topic or political view or anything of that nature. Well, we do prohibit content that is abusive, defamatory or illegal of course. 
So what are you waiting for?