Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2010 Pittsburgh Horoscope Happenings!

Astrological Happenings! We started our magical journey into psychedelic Pisces in the past few weeks. Some may have become enchanted with this interesting energy that seems to be making life and relationship so easy right now, seeing one rainbow after another. Others may have become more confused along their path, as if they have walked into a fog and can no longer determine what direction that they are headed. This is a time where we want to take slow, careful steps, while trusting our intuition. An inner struggle between logic and our heart. We can ask ourselves, 'What do I want?'. Then asking again, if we will take this at face value'. Can we accept the realistic image, without hoping that things might change to be better? We walk along this blurry path now, with our concentration solely on our desire... but an odd scattered feeling may feel as we are being tugged into another direction, leading us off into the unknown. At times, we may need to stop in our path to see what is truly calling our attention. We may be wanting the easy way out and settling, while avoiding the hard work and self-respect that reality delivers. Our imagination is heightened, which can benefit us in creative ways to expand ourselves and our surroundings. If we choose to ignore being experimental and adventurous, the energy can leave us feeling lost with an unusual heaviness of sluggishness. To add to the 'drunken' energy that some of us may be experiencing, Mercury (communications) exits intelligent Aquarius, and dives into delusional Pisces March 1. Our thought-processing and speech can become muddled as we are not completely clear as to... Read more >>

Tarotscope Happenings! Monthly tarot card reading with an individual message for sun signs. PISCES (February 19-March 20) The High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Practicality. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks to us. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and listen. Information could revealed to us, but may be clouded. We are urged to be patient as details present themselves to us in due time. We see beyond the obvious. An older woman could have a hidden agenda. Be a guardian of your unconscious, give nothing away that you sensing. Use practicality and good judgment. We benefit more from introverted female energy. Trust your intuition. Subconscious influences becomes your guide. There is much happening beneath the... Not Pisces? To read your sign... Read More >>

Daily Horoscope Happenings! March, 1, 2010, We search for independence and our disregard emotional needs as Moon opposes defiant Uranus 12:36pm. Our emotional approach to life becomes fresh and direct as Moon enters well-adjusted Libra 7:31pm. Rather than beating around the bush, we put sensitivities on the back-burner, to make necessary, well-mannered inquiries. Honesty can be quite an aphrodisiac when confusions are dismantled. An outburst of excited emotions are displayed as Moon sextiles self-assertive Mars 8:45pm. Make tonight happen! Read more >>

Enjoy and have an awesome month!


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