
35 years ago today the Vietnam War ended
Weekly Astrology Insight: April 26 - May 2
Based on Eastern Time zone.
Monday April 26, A few confusing aspects in the earlier hours could have us feeling a bit uncertain about our day. Mercury retrograde will also have his say in this, playing tricks with our minds, disrupting our ability to make good, conscious decisions. Before making choices or taking action, be sure to take some quality time to go over facts to avoid any possible misunderstandings.
Pinched for time, we're challenged to find a peaceful balance in our course of action, but change is not always easy. The traditional values that Saturn grounds us with, are put through a test when opposed with the impulsive changes that Uranus delivers at 7:23pm, to reform the old, with the new. Some of us may have already felt the stress increasing over the past weeks and/or months. As tension continues to build, something could snap, if it hasn't already. Chaos and unexpected shifts in the world, as well as in our life and relationships may occur, and times are changing, as it waits for no one. What may have been at odds or avoided in your circle, will now experience a force to be reckoned with. Saturn had been retrograde in Libra (personal and professional relationships) but has recently entered Virgo (our service to others, work, health, pets). These areas may be experiencing sensitivities and much strain as Pluto is also retrograde, digging and removing the REAL culprit of damage. Even though Saturn is retrograde, he's still looking out for our best interest, encouraging us to get it right' this time. 'Shape up or ship out', as it's for our own good. It's similar to when we've experienced a painful sore that just won't heal. We keep covering it up with a band-aid, but there is no change. Finally Uranus comes along as our 'wake up call', unexpectedly rips off the bandage and tells us that we need to change in our game. The Libra Moon helps us to make sense of what is happening, as we set our emotions on the side. We may not get what we want - but in a way we do - which is how the Universe rolls.
Tuesday April 27, Moon enters Scorpio 6:28pm, and we'll feel a need to withdraw and experience the emotions that we're tapped into. We may feel as if something is being pulled away from us as we begin to discharge negative forces, but the heavy weight of tomorrow's blistering Full Moon may simply be magnifying emotional pressures - reflecting our own desire to retreat. Mercury retrograde fumbles with our perspective, so we could struggle between our feelings and common sense. The necessity to let go of drama let's us step back to do a little self-nurturing. Find time to meditate, so that unhealthy suspicions can be cleansed.
Wednesday April 28, A Full Moon in Scorpio ripens at 8:19am, harvesting our New Moon intentions from the 14th - if we participated in making it happen. If you can't remember, here is part the clipping I wrote:
...We have a new emotional cycle on Monday April 14, as Luna enters courageous Aries 8:29 am EST. This is a time that we find ourselves ready to 'start fresh' and experience life on a whole new inner level. It is a time to Read More >>
Make it a great week!
Suzi Dronzek
April 20th is National Equal Pay Day. This day symbolizes how much longer a woman has to work to earn the same amount of money that a man has earned the previous year. Nationally, women earn about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns but in Pennsylvania women earn only 75 cents while in Pittsburgh they earn even less: 74 cents.
Every year the Women and Girls Foundation organizes a rally downtown to mobilize the community on the issue of gender wage gap. Here is the information for this year's WGF Equal Pay DayRally:
2010 Equal Pay Day Rally
WHEN: April 20, 2010, 12noon to 1pm
WHERE: Mellon Square Park (the park between the Regional Enterprise Towers and the Omni William Penn Hotel)
To learn more about WGF: http://www.wgfpa.org/ Questions? info@wgfpa.org
Monday April 19 We find ourselves picking up the pieces for others, rather than putting order into our own lives as Sun inconjuncts fearful Saturn. Moon shifts from friendly Gemini, into motherly Cancer, and our natural instinct wants to nurture and take care of those around us. While it is a generous deed to attend to others, it's best to take as much quality time into getting our own lives in order to avoid future blame and extra work on our plate.
Tuesday April 20 Sun enters dependable Taurus, giving us a chance to experience the strong and silent traits of the earthy bull. We become less talkative, and more productive in our lives. Rather than 'talk the talk' - we're ready to 'walk the walk' - to prove what we are made of and what we are worthy of. Our steps toward loyalty and dedication are building blocks to a lasting friendship in our relationships, as well as with our work and finances. This is a great time to study what we have in our life, and to figure out how we can add more value to what we already own.
Wounded healer Chiron leaves socially-conscious Aquarius and enters recovering Pisces until 2019. Where we've concentrated on 'the bigger picture' with ideas to better the world for others, it is time to redirect some of this energy toward ourselves. Thoughts and ideas turn into movement now, allowing the therapeutic waters of Pisces to flow evenly and wash over the world and over ourselves. Generous amounts of imagination, self-love, and compassion can overwhelm us and form an ocean of forgiveness and love again in our lives. As Pluto (release) and Saturn (restructure) both continue retrograde, we are closing a chapter in our lives of toxic and broken foundations (Capricorn) in our professional and personal relationships (Libra). We can choose to close this cycle physically and let go of the past, or we can close the gaps and meet each other halfway.
Self-healing will be on the rise, especially as Saturn retrogrades in Virgo (health) to help us re-examine and reshape our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We may find ourselves dealing with old reoccurring health issues that will be forcing us to take a second (or third) look at the way we have been taking care of ourselves - as we deal with faltering health issues, necessary visits with our physicians, becoming available to new fitness programs, making better food choices, taking our vitamins, and so forth. Emotional and mental health care also rises as part of the self-healing, where more folks turn to therapeutic counseling, natural alternative health choices, meditation, etc. During this shift, we could see a fresh era of new music brewing in the very near future.
Jupiter is also in Pisces now, filled with much in the way of generosity and kindness. We make bigger contributions to the less-fortunate, as Pisces represents the selfless and helpless. Many may actually begin to anticipate the benefits of the new healthcare system. Jupiter in Pisces brings us an abundance of study, higher thinking, and blessings from the Universe. If you use to follow my Daily Horoscopes, I always referred as Pisces in the hippy-psychedelic form. The last time Chiron was in Pisces was back in the sixties when 'All You Need is Love' was the way. We can develop a new outlook and yearn for love and peace now, searching for compassion, spiritual growth, and a Higher Power. It's all about us living with each other, like the fish (Pisces) who travel in a school together, rather than swimming it alone. As Earth and Mother Nature continues to take tantrums, we are more likely to see more communal living and shared housing, as we're forced to become more cooperative into 'living as one'. What we learn, we teach and share with others - to live in harmony. Just like the lyrics of 'I am the Walrus' from The Beatles... 'I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together'... Read More >>
Make it a great week!
Steelers President Art Rooney II said on Thursday that appropriate discipline would be forthcoming in a few weeks. After that, he said, "We intend to allow Ben the opportunity to prove to us he is the teammate and citizen we all believe he is capable of being."
How are they going to do that -- put him in a bar full of wasted college girls and see if he can resist?
I'd like to see him rehabilitated, too. I'd also like to see the rest of us get real about our expectations of professional athletes. This pedestal thing is getting old.
These are men who happen to be extraordinarily good at their sport. The notion that this makes them role models in any other aspect of life not only makes no sense, it has been shot through with holes time and again.
Of course, the pros may be upstanding people, generous, fair-minded, good examples for young people. But that's because of who they are (like Troy Polamalu and Charlie Batch), not what they do on the field.
The job makes them rich and famous, puts them in the public eye. It does not automatically bestow wisdom, character, humility or common sense. If anything, the huge amounts of money and misplaced hero worship can work against those traits.
Off the job, sports stars should be held to the same laws and standards of common decency as the rest of us. Expecting them to be paragons of virtue, however, is asking for disappointment.
It's possible that Ben can still become a decent person and a great asset to the team. Meanwhile, we'd do well to look for heroes elsewhere.
I was wondering how bad it could get. Then Sally Kalson began her column in last Sunday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette with the following:
" 'When I was growing up, just about every parish had its pedophile priest and everybody knew who it was,' said my friend Carrie, who attended Roman Catholic schools just outside of Pittsburgh in the 1960s."
I didn't have to wonder any longer.
That charge was the lead in Ms. Kalson's column and a slap in the face of the 342 priests of this diocese who serve so faithfully with me. It was an attack on my flock, the nearly 800,000 members of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. It was never qualified, never modified. It simply was there in print as fact.
If you crunch the numbers of priests and parishes at that time, Ms. Kalson basically let the claim stand unchallenged that roughly 60 percent of the priests serving in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the mid-1960s were pedophiles.
Slanderous and outrageous? Sure. But that's how bad it has become.
But I do hope there will be a little more care taken before we give credence to every charge, along with a little more responsible thinking before dragging through the mud a church that has done more to address this horrible tragedy than any other entity.
I have mentioned this before, as I have been been personally experiencing intuitive tremors and making notes on my twitter account, then archiving on my personal tremor log. Whether I have been on target with what I am feeling, or maybe just totally coincidental, but this is the reason that I am logging it all, to see if there is a genuine pattern. If you have read my notes, I have experienced visual signs that I am interpreting as something larger that MAY be happening with our earth. I COULD be wrong, because I have a feeling - not scientific proof. But with the tremors I have felt, something is shaking he earth. With Jupiter, there is an increase of moisture that is loosening the earth. I have seen a number of repeated visions of 'rings on fire', and after days of wondering - 'what the heck is that?' I am assuming with additional messages received, that these visuals is a volcano(s). Now with Pluto and Saturn as more of the distant planets, they move at a much slower pace. During their recent retrograde, they take their good ole time traveling backwards, into deeper 'unseen' areas. Deeper into memories, into the subconscious, etc. My thoughts are the same with the earth. We have extreme tension increasing between Uranus (tremors), Pluto (ejection), and Saturn (foundation/earth). A very deep eruption is surfacing. I don't know where this would occur, I don't know when this would actually occur, I don't know if this is worthy enough to even speculate, without valid proof.
Back in my February post: I mentioned that I'm not a professional scientist with a knowledge for these things, but instead, I follow intuitive patterns and astrological factors as my own guide. My goal is NOT to freak anyone out, but to simply make them 'aware', so that they may prepare. I usually try to follow my own advice and talk to my husband when I see certain obstacles ahead, and with what may come. I would personally suggest that if you qualify and live in an area where flooding is possible, use precaution and get flood insurance (with Jupiter in Pisces) this year. I also would check to see if your house lot is on or connected to an area where mining had occurred, there may be mining insurance for that as well (with Saturn and Pluto retrograding). And seriously, I could be wrong, as i am not going on scientific facts. And I hope that I am wrong. I don't know the geographical information with mining here in the Pennsylvania area, but my belief right now, is "better safe, than sorry", which is the reason for me sharing my thoughts.
I find it interesting that in 2010, we're in a universal three cycle in numerology 2+0+1+0=3, and three's are related to communication and expression. In the Tarot, three is related to The Empress card, who represents Mother Earth. This is a year that Mother Earth is communicating to us. So far, she has spoke loudly with the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti, along with the threat of a tsunami, blizzards and flooding in the US. I imagine that she still has a lot more to say and get off her chest.
Enjoy your week.
Last week on Friday April 2, Mercury (communications) entered constructive Taurus, and the way that we express ourselves is more slow, steady, and determined. In the next few weeks, we become less hurried and we behave in a relaxed and leisurely manner. The benefit that many of us can receive from this energy is that we'll be inclined to take a generous amount of time to think things over before rushing into anything at this time. We may be patting ourselves on the back over the next few weeks for making some solid life decisions - basically because we took the time to think it over seriously. It could still feel quite frustrating for some at this time, because energetic Mars is pressing on the gas pedal in confident Leo - but it's not about jumping the gun right now - until every aspect and obstacle has been analyzed. As our mind and speech are extremely reduced in speed, spontaneous and impatient folks could experience sluggishness and fatigue, as if dragging the heavy weight of the world on their shoulders. Best advice, work WITH the inactive and quiet energy. Taurus is ruled by Venus (relationships and money) so many of our ideas over the next few weeks will be concentrating on how to add value to what we already have. Plan well and work long and hard to see the benefits - before Mercury retrogrades on Sunday April 18.
On Tuesday April 6, Pluto stations and prepares for his five month journey in retrograde. Pluto's goal is to destroy and rid the toxins in our life, so that we may regenerate and heal. In retrograde, we may appear to be moving backwards, by backtracking into old steps and patterns. During this time, we can return and rely on old memories, reunite with individuals from our past, or.... Read more >>
Suzanne "Starcana" Dronzek, is a Spiritual Tarot Astrologer with over 20 years of practice and experience in spiritual astrology, intuitive tarot, and the mystical arts. "My passion is to help others help themselves, thru awareness and their true potential". Professional astrological consultations and spiritual tarot reading services via telephone, for personalized inner guidance, self-growth, spiritual enrichment, and/or relationship advice and compatibility. For complete information, call Suzi (724) 832-9283, or visit her website: www.starcana.com