Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Whiling away so many hours lamenting how behind the curve we Pittsburghers are, sometimes we overlook that special moment when we did it first. Here is one such instance -- a mayoral debate that aired in March on the "It's Alive!" show on WBGN.

The debate was orchestrated by Judge Rufus Peckham (aka Tim Murray) of Carbolic Smoke Ball and company, and Professor Emcee Square of Pittsburgh Filmmakers and his crew graciously gave us some studio time and lent their unique talents to what will surely go down in the annals of local history as one of the best political debates ever.

I finally had the chance to play the role I was born for: Sophie Masloff. I had a blast. Waiting for the red dye to wash out for three months? Not so fun. On the drive to the Melwood Avenue studios in North Oakland, I laughed as people looked at this bizarre "old" woman driving this sports car in traffic -- my hair was so red, and so teased -- and I was talking to myself to practice that voice. I had even kept in one big sponge curler for "effect." Bob Haas of CSB said it would have been fun if I'd have used a soup can. Why didn't I think of that?


  1. i saw it when it aired but i had no idea that was you as sophie.

    i loved it. it was a hoot.

    i can't get that chsnnel anymore on my cable. does it still broadcast?

  2. Doesn't Sherry always strike you as one of the nicest people in the world?

    The staion is still on the air but some cable companies don't include it on their schedules because of a financial dispute -- and that's a shame because the host of the show is one of Pittsburgh's hidden treasures (just as Ms. Mon is).

  3. hi judge. geezzz thanks. i'm blushing(and i do blush sometimes, makes me a target for friends who will try to get me to)

    i loved ,it's alive. i'm a freak for old schlocky horror/sci-fi stuff. i'm in hog heaven watching plan 9 or robot monster. 2 of my very favorites are , from hell it came and attack of the crab monsters. that is just too much fun.

    as to "nice" i try but i can show you a few that wouldn't agree.

    : )

  4. It's Alive has mercifully reappeared on my cable and they rebroadcast that episode with the debate a couple of weeks ago. I had no idea that you were Sophie when I watched it and I have met you in person before. Great job to all involved!

  5. Just call me "Zelig," the human chameleon, Maria!

  6. Ms. Mon,

    If the episode's going to be re-run, please let us know, I would love to see this.

  7. i want it's alive back. i am bummed out over this. i thought that the channel had gone off the air.

