Sunday, February 10, 2008

Competing Blogger Conferences

The DailyKos 2008 Conference is at the same time as the Blogher 2008 Conference.

I'm decidedly going to Blogher. I'm applying for a "bloghership". Here's how it works:

*BlogHerships and volunteerism:
"For each conference we provide blogherships (free conference registrations) in exchange for being an official conference live-blogger. This is a great option for bloggers who could not otherwise afford to attend. Other volunteer opportunities have included graphic design, IT consulting, audio production, sponsor, speaker or volunteer "wrangling" and so on. Some people were able to add their efforts to their CV; some people were able to learn or improve their skills; some people were able to meet a posse of people they would not have connected to on their own. Everyone was able to feel like they were a part of making BlogHer happen."

I just thought I'd share this fact.

-Agent Ska-

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